Liteye Systems, a renowned leader in CUAS (Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems), has reportedly announced the receipt of an additional specialty production order for approximately $3 million. The contract would further make sure delivery of hardware for urgent U.S. government needs during this unparalleled time dealing with COVID-19.
The Department of Homeland Security recognizes the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) as a Critical Infrastructure Sector.
Kenneth Geyer, CEO, Liteye Systems, stated that the contract as well as current deliveries of U.S. configured Liteye AUDS system continues a 3-year run of steady performance, facilitating life-saving technology to the nations warfighters.
Geyer further stated that this order from the government, along with designation as part of the DIB sector during this tough time is a testament to the level of trust Liteye has earned from the government to facilitate much needed capabilities.
The company has further been functioning at full capability and has also not been affected. The company is also taking all the steps necessary to reduce the risk to employees meanwhile ensuring that Liteye could meet all the demands of the customers.
At a time where most organizations are feeling the economic impact, the new contract award and earlier delivered product to the U.S government, allows Liteye to stay a stable as well as trusted leader in the Defense Industrial Base.
COVID-19 is having a dynamic and dramatic impact on businesses, the lives of people, and the global economy as a whole. The firm is committed to weather through this pandemic, and related recuperation, and to make moves to relieve the effects on its employees while also addressing the needs of the customers.
About Liteye Systems:
Liteye is a renowned leader and technology solutions provider as well as integrator of military and CUAS, radar systems, etc. and other such solutions. It has offices in the UK along with sales affiliates across the globe.
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