Qualcomm recently introduced the Snapdragon Spaces XR Developer Platform, a head-worn augmented reality developer toolkit, that will aid in expanding the scope of existing apps as well as the development of new ones that will make the most of AR devices.
Snapdragon Spaces is an open-source cross-device horizontal ecosystem that focuses on delivering mechanisms that will turn ideas of developers into reality and revolutionize the prospects of head-worn AR.
With years of AR research and development at its backing, Qualcomm intends to make Snapdragon Spaces capable of providing comprehensive machine perception technology that is optimized to consume less power and output high-performance in next-gen AR glasses, as per the company statement.
The platform is aspiring to provide developers with tools for creating head-worn AR experiences that can sense and interact intelligently with the user and adapt to their physical environments. To do this, the technology will include environmental understanding features like occlusion, scene understanding, object and image recognition, and tracking, spatial mapping, and meshing, local anchors and persistence, and plane detection.
In addition to the above, Snapdragon Spaces is designed to support user perception capabilities like positional tracking and hand tracking.
It is worth noting that Qualcomm Technologies has also joined forces with Wikitude, a world-class AR technology provider to the Qualcomm family, to continue innovating AR solutions. Wikitude’s existing community of 150K AR developers can now connect with Snapdragon Spaces to accelerate the shift from smartphone to head-worn AR.
Snapdragon Spaces is currently in its early access to a select few and will be officially released in the spring of 2022, with Motorola, Lenovo, Xiaomi, and OPPO as the initial partners. Lenovo’s ThinkReality A3 smart glasses together with a Motorola smartphone will be the first to market the technology.
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